Sound and Acting in Films

Sound is a very important aspect of films. Sound helps to enhance almost all movies. Even films that have little to no speaking still incorporate sound in order to help tell the story. One of the main uses of sound is to help add suspense to films. Many horror films use non-diegetic sound, which is sound that is not a part of the world of the film, to create an uneasy feeling for the viewers hinting that something bad is going to happen. Some famous examples of when sound was used very effectively were during the Rocky training montage and the scene at the beach in Jaws. Diegetic sound, which is sound that is heard by characters on screen, makes movies feel more realistic. It wouldn't make sense for characters in a film to go to a public setting like the park and be completely silent. Another example would be if there was a dancing scene in a movie, the music played from a radio or speaker would be diegetic sound. Diegetic sound makes films more realistic. The most important thing sound does for movies is it allows the audience to hear what the actors are saying. Without sound the audience would either have to try and read the lips or the actors or read the closed caption, which would get very annoying. 

Another extremely important aspect of films is obviously acting. The story is told through the actors, which means the acting can make or break a film. The film could have a good story, but if the acting isn't good then the film will likely not be that good. The opposite is also true, a film could have a mediocre story but really good acting and end up being a good film. Acting can be a very difficult thing to perfect but is essential to having a good film. I think a lot of times when a film seems off because of acting, it is not necessarily due to poor acting ability but poor casting. In my opinion, Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor in Batman Vs Superman was a poor casting. The film had a good story in my opinion, but I just can't imagine Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor, which made the film less entertaining. Acting and sound are the two most important things that makeup movies. 


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