My Thoughts on Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette is a historical film written and directed by Sofia Coppola. Kirsten Dunst stars as Marie Antoinette in the 2006 film. The film follows Marie Antoinette as she becomes queen of France and ends with her leaving the Palace of Versailles during the French Revolution. The movie does follow a historical plot but does not feel like a history lesson, which helps the movie. The plot includes her going to parties and having parties of her own, which makes the movie less boring. However, I did not enjoy the movie that much. I think it is watchable, but I wouldn't watch it again. There were times when the movie skipped ahead in time and I didn't realize right away, which made it a little hard to follow. I also felt that there was no real storyline, it was almost a long montage of her life. However, the set of the movie was very impressive due to the fact that the movie was filmed at the actual Palace of Versailles. This resulted in some very impressive shots during the movie. Overall, I did not enjoy the movie, but the movie looked really good and has impressive shots.
With rich people, sometimes their stories feel like a montage. I get it.